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Mondays • 6:30 pm
*Women's | Sisterhood Evenings - Gospel of Mark: Mixed Ages
In this 9-part series on the Gospel of Mark, Sisterhood invites you to walk with us as we trace the steps of Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. We will explore the major themes of this pivotal book of the Bible studying Jesus’ early days, His preaching ministry, His miracles and healings, the parables, and His final days. We will gather in a large group setting and women will be split into small groups at tables for the entirety of the semester. Each week there will be worship, a guest speaker's live teaching, and Bible study time as a small group at your table.
Click Here to register.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Women's
Thursdays • 9:30 am
*Women's | Sisterhood Mornings - Gospel of Mark: Mixed Ages
In this 9-part series on the Gospel of Mark, Sisterhood invites you to walk with us as we trace the steps of Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. We will explore the major themes of this pivotal book of the Bible studying Jesus’ early days, His preaching ministry, His miracles and healings, the parables, and His final days. We will gather in a large group setting and women will be split into small groups at tables for the entirety of the semester. Each week there will be worship, a guest speaker's live teaching, and Bible study time as a small group at your table.
Click Here to register.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Women's
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
25's 35's Coed | Mount Pleasant | Jess
This group is designed for people to find community who are new in town. The group will be focused on Studying God's word and community.
**Please reach out to Jessica Creamer jessicapcreamer@gmail.com
Campus Seacoast At Home Type
Mondays • 6:00 pm
33 Michelle Asper & Darcel Poe
Campus Seacoast At Home Type
Mondays • 6:00 pm
50+ Group | A Study of Mark | Phil & Shary Long
We will meet the 2nd Monday of each month at the church for a devotional study and fellowship. This is for 50+ adults and open to singles and married.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Seniors
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
50+ Group | A Study of Mark | Steve Gibson
To live by what the first Christian disciples called a Rule of Life—a set of practices and relational rhythms that slow us down and open up space in our daily lives for God to do what only God can do—transforms the deepest parts of us to become like him. We will be studying from the book "Practicing the Way" by John Comer
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Seniors
Mondays • 6:30 pm
A Young Adult Gathering | 18-30s | Large Group
Large Group
Monday Night 6:30PM at the Mount Pleasant campus.
Instagram @chsyoung adults
Whether you are new to the area or in your first job, come connect, build relationships and learn more about Christ together each Monday night. During the night you will hear from a leader on a study and then breakout into smaller groups to discuss.
Please reach out to Stephen Popadich at 3366763778 for more information or questions. See ya on Monday!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type College/20s
Thursdays • 5:30 pm
Alethia Dance
We hold three dance classes every Thursday in the Seacoast Church Custom Building, for students ages 3-17. Seacoast youth are exposed to the Christian Performing Arts & Character Education of Aletheia. Dance, Inc, in which the core purpose is to educate the whole child (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually). Our youth learn a different dance style every quarter (ballet, creative movement, modern/contemporary, jazz, or hip hop dance), for the purpose of exposure and well-roundedness, as well as a monthly acting session. They are also presented with a "Word of the Month" and supporting scripture to work towards achieving each month, as well as being encouraged in health awareness. The dance classes and times are as follows:
Preschool Dance, Ages 3-5: 5:30- 6:00 PM
Elementary Dance, Ages 6-10 6:00 PM-6:45 PM
Tween & Teen Dance, Ages 11-17 6:45 PM-7:45 PM
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Students
Wednesdays • 11:00 am
Birthday Gals
We get together every 2nd Wednesday to celebrate birthday's at Le Peep in Columbia @11am. All ladies are welcome!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Women's
Wednesdays • 7:00 pm
C0-Ed| Heart of Worship
The importance of worship and exploring what that looks like on a day to day basis. Overcoming daily/life challenges to grow and have a worshipping heart.
Children are Welcome
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Celebrate Recovery Family Support
This program assists people who have loved ones with addictions and helps them get their own lives back. By focusing on how the individual family member is contributing to the problem, they learn how to change their own thoughts and behaviors to not only stop the enabling of their loved one’s problem, but to also bring back a sense of normalcy to their own lives.
You do not need to register in advance and can join the group at any time. The group meets in Studio A which is located upstairs.
Childcare is provided at no cost (birth – 5th grade).
Mount Pleasant Meetings // 6:30PM
Family Support meets the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesdays of the month in Studio A.
The 1st Tuesday of the month, Family Support and Step Study Groups meet in the Multipurpose Room for dinner, a teaching from the 12-step program and a testimony.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Celebrate Recovery Women's Step Study
Our Women’s Step Study Group provides a small group setting that allows participants to work through the 12-step program using the four Celebrate Recovery Participant Guides.
Mount Pleasant Campus // 6:30PM
Meets the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. The 1st Tuesday of the month, all step study and family support groups meet in the Multipurpose Room for dinner, a teaching from the 12-steps and a testimony.
You do not need to register in advance and can join at anytime. This group meets at the Mount Pleasant campus upstairs in Studio C.
Childcare is provided at no cost (6 months – 5th grade).
Campus Seacoast At Home Type
Classes | If Money Talked
If you invited money to pull up a chair and give you its best advice, you might be surprised that what it would say is pretty close to what Jesus did say two thousand years ago!
Join us for this 5-week journey into money management.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Wednesdays • 11:30 am
Co- Ed | Wednesday’s Word with Seasoned Saints: Co-Ed 55+ Bible study
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | Rooted
Rooted isn’t simply a Bible study or a book. It is a community experience, where people practice 7 rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus. Individuals establish firm roots in the Truth of God’s Word through personal study and then come together to discuss what they’re learning in a space where they are safe and known.
Click Here to register.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed I Mental Health Support Group
Co-Ed | 20s/30s | Social Group
An infrequent gathering of 20s and 30s to build community at the Islands Campus. Dates and Times TBD. Group meets on Johns Island.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | 24-30's | Sonia Suarez
The vision of this group is to grow closer as a community through Christ and do life together.
They will be meeting around North Charleston area.
Please contact
Sonia - 843-834-8169
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Tuesdays • 7:00 pm
Co-Ed | 30s/50s | Singles Small Group
This group is a fellowship group for single professionals in their 30’s to 50’s. We will meet twice a month for fellowship and prayer, and one of those meetings will be a shared meal, ‘supper club’ style. Group meets on Johns Island.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Wednesdays • 6:00 pm
Co-Ed | 3D–Dialogue Dinner Discipleship
This is a mixed group for married and singles called “3D–Dialogue Dinner Discipleship” – we will be studying the Gospel of Mark. Group meets on Johns Island.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Co-Ed | 50's+ | Tim & Lynn Heigh
Bible/Topical study. Open to anyone 50 and over. Group is for couples or adults currently walking alone to pray, study, and share life together. Group will help determine what to study. Meets at 1209 Tiger Grand Dr. Conway.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type 50s
Tuesdays • 7:00 pm
Co-Ed | 60s+ | Peed Small Group
Married couples but would be open to singles as well. Group meets on Johns Island.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Wednesdays • 6:15 pm
Co-Ed | A Study of Mark | Aaron & Hannah Lafalce
Co-Ed | All Ages Bible Study I Tisdale
A couples small group built to help the experienced and new believers grow their faith. 1st and 3rd Saturday.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Tuesdays • 6:00 pm
Co-Ed | All Ages Bible Study I Welborn
This group is for all ages, single or married. We meet weekly and study a variety of topics. If you are interested in joining please contact Jim Welborn at bobojw@comcast.net
We will meet at the Ferndale Rec Center every Tuesday at 6:00 PM. The address is:
995 Bolton St.
N. Charleston, SC 29406
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Thursdays • 7:00 pm
Co-Ed | Apologetics | Dean French
A deeper dive on what we believe and why. Meets at the church in Studio A.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Co-Ed | ASL Practice Group | Laurie M
This is a group that is dedicated to practicing ASL together and having fun while doing it. We are by no means teaching ASL, but we are wanting to grow and learn together!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Sundays • 11:15 am
Co-Ed | Bible Study | Al & Ann Wiener
Study: Weekly answering questions from sermon.
Meets Sunday right after church in Studio A.
Bible Study group that meets on Sunday afternoons made up of people from every stage of life. For more information contact Al Wiener at awiener@comcast.net.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Mondays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | Bible Study| Karlyn & Bruce Robinson
The vision of this group is that you will grow in your relationship with Christ and in your marriage. We meet weekly to walk through a bible study and fellowship together around some good food. Please reach out to Karlyn Robinson at 860-460-9997 for more information or questions.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Sundays • 5:00 pm
Co-Ed | Chosen Mini Series| 4 Seasons | Wespy
"The Chosen" is a television series that portrays the life of Jesus Christ from the viewpoints of those who interacted with Him. Created by Dallas Jenkins, the show specifically highlights the personal journeys of Jesus’ disciples and followers, delving into their challenges, uncertainties, and personal growth. We invite you to join us for viewing the miniseries, followed by discussion and study. Refreshments and socializing are included, and we will be starting January 12!
Childcare services are not provided.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Tuesdays • 10:00 am
Co-Ed | Community Bible Study (West Ashley)
CBS is an in-depth Bible Study geared to all ages and levels of Bible knowledge. Class members study, discuss, fellowship together, and grow in their relationship with Lord. We will study the book of Matthew in our 2024-25 class year. Men & Women meet at same time and location but we have all Men & all Women discussion groups. Children’s program up to age 5. Group meets in West Ashley.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Women's
Sundays • 5:00 pm
Co-Ed | Couples | Bible Study
People build a strong foundation in the teachings of the Bible through personal study and then share and discuss their insights in a safe and familiar environment.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Thursdays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | Crochet for Cancer | Jasmine Point | Karen Corso
This Co-Ed group crochets squares for Cancer Care. We will kickoff on Jan 11th and meet on Thursdays from 6:30-8:30pm in the Pine Hills neighborhood (Cane Bay).
We enjoy snacks and beverages as we crochet 7" x 7" squares. We use 4-ply yarn and any pattern to crochet the squares together for people undergoing cancer treatment. All are welcome! If you don't know how to crochet, come and learn.
No childcare available.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Mondays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | Empty Nesters Dinner Club | Cane Bay
Do you enjoy eating out and socializing? Then this is the group for you. We spend time getting to know one another, building friendships, and experiencing good food.
This Co-Ed group is for people in the Empty Nest stage of their life. We meet the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30pm at Rio Chico 1724 State Rd (Next to Publix in Cane Bay). If you'd like to contact us ahead of time, fill out the form below. Otherwise, just show up and look for a group of pleasant people. :-)
No childcare available.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Sundays • 4:00 pm
Co-Ed | Engaged/Young Marrieds
Small group for engaged or young married couples using various curriculum options from Right Now Media. Meets in various homes.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Virtual Mondays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | Enneagram 101 for Dummies
Come and learn about who we are at the core, and why we sometimes get stuck in ruts that can shortchange us or hurt our relationships. The journey of self-awareness is enlightening, entertaining, challenging, and priceless. Let's do it together.
Recommended Reading: The Road Back To You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery, by Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Virtual Fridays • 7:00 pm
Co-Ed | Friends in Recovery (Virtual)
Ed & Stacy Chionchio are Seacoasters that passionately work with a national recovery community. This virtual group will help you establish friends that you can count on for support as you navigate recovery and fight back against the stigma of addiction in your life. Group meets Virtually.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type
Thursdays • 2:00 pm
Co-Ed | Gathering & Discussing the Sermons
This is a COED small group for folks seeking God and Community. We discuss the sermons from Sunday Mornings. Please contact Frankie @ 843-568-6636 for more information.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Fridays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | General: Chapin/Irmo - Stefaniak
Co-leaders: Chad & Andrea Stefaniak. This group is for everyone, married, single, etc. Childcare is available and meets every Friday at 6:30.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Fridays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | GriefShare | Celeste Wegner
Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way. At GriefShare you’ll receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind. A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief.
This Co-Ed GriefShare group will kickoff in January 31 and will meet on Fridays at 6:30pm at the Church at Cane Bay located at 438 Marketplace Dr, Summerville SC 29486. Please fill out the form below to get details about ordering your book and specific meeting location.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Virtual Thursdays • 7:00 pm
Co-Ed | Harvey and Lori Hoekstra's Virtual Group
We are a group of Seacoast families spanning the USA from Coast to Coast! We meet virtually on Thursdays at 7pm Eastern/ 4pm Pacific! Currently, we are going through "God Never Gives Up on Me," a study by Max Lucadol. Join us...all are welcome!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Virtual Tuesdays • 8:00 pm
Co-Ed | Harvey and Lori Hoekstra's Virtual Group
We are a group of Seacoast families spanning the USA from Coast to Coast! We meet virtually on Tuesdays at 8pm Eastern/ 5pm Pacific! Currently we are going through "The Power to Change," a study by Craig Groeschel. Join us...all are welcome!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
5:00 pm
Co-Ed | Intentional Grandparenting | Summers Corner | Bill & Debby
Are you a grandparent who wants to create a lasting impact on your grandkids? Join this small group that will assist you in achieving that goal. We will be using the series from Legacy Coalition as our resource: https://legacycoalition.com/equipping-intentional-grandparents/
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Virtual Mondays • 7:30 pm
Co-Ed | Ken and Lynne Baker's Group
Co-Ed Small Group that meets Virtually. Couples and Singles are welcome from anywhere in the world! We review discussion questions from the weekend message at Seacoast. Contact Ken or Lynn at bakerhome@bellsouth.net.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Wednesdays • 6:00 pm
CoEd | Lee/Singleton Mixed Group
Our mixed group meets on Monday evenings, 6:00 pm, at the church, beginning, Mon, Sept 9th. We will be discussing the message notes each week and will meet in the Worship Center at the McClellanville campus. Co-leaders are: John and Robin Lee and Barbara Singleton.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | Magnolia Neighborhood | Goetz/Goglin
This Co-Ed group meets on Tuesdays at 6:30-8:30pm in the Magnolia neighborhood (Cane Bay). Our group studies God's Word and also enjoys some casual social meetings to stay connected as a family and grow in our walk with Christ.
No Childcare Available.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Saturdays • 10:00 am
Co-ed | Manifold Creative Arts Group: Mixed Ages
Creatives, you're invited to a new creative arts ministry at Seacoast Church Mount Pleasant! This is for Christ followers who create...anything! Dancers, photographers, woodworkers, musicians, designers, architects, poets, songwriters, chefs, fashion designers, jewelry makers, painters, novelists, and on and on! Come for community in Christ, for support and encouragement, for worship through the arts, for creative response to God's word, for speakers, workshops, missions and opportunities to use our gifts to grow God's kingdom. Creatives are an important part of the church. Let's celebrate the gifts God has given us and learn to use them for his glory. Monthly gatherings on the 3rd Saturday.
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” - Peter 4:10
*Note: Our August 18th meeting will be in Dream Team Central.
Meeting details:
Meets monthly on the third Saturday 10:00-11:30 am in the Multipurpose room upstairs at the Seacoast Mount Pleasant campus.
Co-ed group for all ages 16 and up.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Women's
Thursdays • 6:00 pm
Co-Ed | Message Review | Bill and Laura Bender
Our group is based in Ocala, FL! We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month to review the weekend messages and discuss them together in-depth. If you are in Ocala, FL, or nearby, please join us!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | Mitchum & Louden's Group
A mixed age group of married & singles who live in and around Moncks Corner. We gather together the 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm) and weekly email updates shared.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Thursdays • 6:30 pm
Co-ed | Parent Support Group: Mixed Ages
This is a support group for Christian parents of children/grandchildren identifying as LGBTQ, questioning their identity or struggling with same sex attraction. This group will provide a supportive community to help parents love their child well, point them towards Jesus, and discover what God wants to do in their own hearts. The sessions will follow the book “Embracing The Journey” by Greg and Lynn McDonald. The group is taking a break during the summer and will resume back to meeting on September 19.
Group Leaders Jacqueline Gerety (jagerety@outlook.com)and LisaWhatley (ljwhatley7@gmail.com)
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Women's
Thursdays • 11:30 am
Co-Ed | Prayer | Roxanne Steves
Sundays • 10:30 am
Co-Ed | Rooted Small Group
ROOTED isn’t simply a Bible study or a book. It’s a community experience, where people practice 7 Rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus. You’ll establish firm roots in the Truth of God’s Word through personal study and then come together with your small group to discuss and learn from each other in a space where you can feel safe and known. Kidscoast is available for childcare. Group meets during Second Service on Johns Island.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Classes
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | Seacoast Music | Pine Hills | Margie Jewell
We will be studying God's Word through music. We will look at the lyrics behind the songs and discuss our thoughts about them and what God is saying through the Bible verses behind those lyrics. More importantly, because of who God is and what He's done for us, He is worthy of our worship. The group will also share songs that contain stories from the Bible with plans to incorporate uplifting positive thoughts into our daily lives through Christian music.
This Co-Ed group will kickoff on Oct 2nd and meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6:30-8:00pm in the Pine Hills neighborhood (Cane Bay). We will start with dessert and fellowship then begin the study.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Virtual Tuesdays • 7:00 pm
Co-Ed | Sharon Hicks Group
Welcome to the Seacoast Tuesday Night Online Small Group!
Seacoast exists to help people find God, grow their faith, discover their purpose and make a difference. The good news is Jesus never intended for His disciples to grow in Him on their own. Together we will spend time each Tuesday night reading and living out His Word, praying and carrying one another's burdens, and discussing the weekend message.
The meeting will go from 7:00 to 8:30 pm using Facebook messenger.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Sundays • 1:00 pm
Co-Ed | Spiritual Singles | Debbie Lominac-Eikenberg
Spiritual Singles is a group guided by Christian principles. We will do weekly activities (Ex picnics, bowling, dining, kayaking,etc). We will alternate singles only and singles and family events). We will offer a serve opportunities monthly to do together.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Thursdays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | Study of Mark| Mike and Christine Maloney
We discuss the Seacoast sermon or video lesson, study the Scriptures and how to apply it to our lives. We pray for each other, serve together and enjoy group activities.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Sundays • 9:30 am
Co-Ed | Summerville Estates Chapel Leaders: Janet Bender
This is a group for people who have the heart to do ministry in local retirement or nursing homes. This group specifically serves Summerville Estates by offering a time of worship each Sunday at their chapel.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Sundays • 8:00 am
Co-Ed | Sunday Morning Prayer
Weekly prayer time for Staff, Elders, Small Group Leaders & Prayer Team Members on Sunday mornings from 8:00-8:30am in Room JH3 behind the stage. Group meets on Johns Island.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Co-Ed | Supporting Families with Special Needs | Steve Batterson
This is a small group for families who have family members with special needs that are looking for encouragement and support as we walk through life together.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Co-Ed | The Deep "C" Divers | Tim & Deb
A life/small group centered on "diving deeper" into growing our faith and spiritual development, plus focused on becoming a more intentionally defined disciple of Jesus Christ in an atmosphere of fellowship, support and friendship.
Group size will be limited to 8-10 men/women, over age 55. Communion, devotions, Scriptural study and discussion, plus life sharing will be a part of each gathering.
Start Day and Time TBD and will be in Early January. Please contact if interested as we will have an initial gathering in Mid-December.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Thursdays • 6:45 pm
Co-Ed | Thursday Night Group
We offer an extended response time where, as a group, we discuss the two questions - What’s God saying to us? and What are we going to do about it? We are here for anything that needs a tribe to support, uplift and encourage. Group meets on James Island.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Support
Fridays • 6:30 pm
Co-Ed | Together |Rooted
Rooted isn’t simply a Bible study or a book. It is a community experience, where people practice 7 rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus. Individuals establish firm roots in the Truth of God’s Word through personal study and then come together to discuss what they’re learning in a space where they are safe and known.
Children are welcome.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Sundays • 11:30 am
Co-Ed | Unmarried Adults (40's+)| Sherryl Hatcher
This Small Group consists of men and women over the age of 40 that are not married. We meet once a month at Seacoast Church after the 10 am service. We get together at least once a month for recreational activities, potlucks, day trips, movies, and public events occurring around the Myrtle Beach and Conway area.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Saturdays • 9:30 am
Co-Ed | UPLIFT and Chronic Pain Encouragement Group: Mixed Ages
The UPLIFT and Chronic Pain Encouragement Group provides a supportive community for individuals dealing with chronic illnesses/disabilities and chronic pain. Those of us who struggle with chronic pain often do not have a visible disability, making it difficult for others to understand and relate. The group is led by Christians who can truly empathize with men and women struggling with chronic pain conditions. This is a safe, non-judgmental place where members can share their experiences and hear how their faith and reliance helps them cope with their struggles.
This group meets in Dream Team Central at the Mt. Pleasant Campus on the 1st Saturday of each month, 9:30-11 am.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Thursdays • 6:00 pm
Co-Ed | Veterans for Christ
Veterans for Christ is a small group of believers who are committed to encouraging Men and Women in the United States Armed Forces, Veterans, and their families, to love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. We meet every other Thursday for a Bible Study and a meal together. We also except those who love to support veterans and their families. For more information please email us at summervilleveterans@gmail.com. We meet at the Summerville Perkins.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Thursdays • 7:00 pm
Co-Ed 50+ | Tim Oostdyk
A Small Group for men, women, married, and single people ages 50+
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Sundays • 5:30 pm
Co-Ed I Harvey & Lori Hoekstra
This small group will be focused on growing in your faith, doing life together, and making a difference in the community. Any adult is welcome to join! We will decide on the study at our first meeting so please reach out if you're interested. We will be meeting at our home on a bi-weekly basis on Sundays at 5:30 PM in the Summers Corner area.
We look forward to meeting you!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Wednesdays • 6:00 pm
Co-Ed Mixed Ages | Dream Clinic Team
A closed SG for the West Ashley Campus Dream Center Clinic members.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Sundays • 8:00 am
Co-Ed Mixed Ages | Prayer on Sundays
A time of prayer with the Staff & Elders of Seacoast West Ashley Campus. Meeting at the West Ashley Campus.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Sundays • 10:30 am
Co-Ed Mixed Ages | SG Leaders Team
a sg for sgl's meeting before each semester (Spring, Summer, Fall) and throughout the year.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type
Sundays • 9:00 am
Co-Ed Mixed Ages | Worship Team
Sundays • 10:00 am
Co-Ed Seniors | Daniel Pointe Senior Community
This group is made up of Residents of Daniel Pointe, located on Daniel Island, SC. Each week we gather to stream the message from Seacoast on Sundays at 10 am.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Seniors
College /20s | Co-Ed Young Adults
This group is for young adults age 18 - 30 and is lead by Mikey and Emma Lowery. Group will include Bible study and social events. This is a new group who will be hosting a social event and then will determine when and where they will meet.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type
Sundays • 12:00 pm
College | Fellowship & Study | Mark & Carrie Cairns
Open to any college age person between the ages of 18-24. This group meets on Sunday’s right after worship at the Cairns' house and enjoys talking about life, the sermon from Sunday, bible study, and some food and fellowship.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type College/20s
Tuesdays • 7:00 pm
College/20s - Recharge
We meet every Tuesday at 7pm in the Custom building. We are studying books of the Bible. Anyone is welcome to jump in at any time! - For more information contact Jake Burns @ jrb16@email.sc.edu
Campus Seacoast At Home Type College/20s
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
College/20s | 18-29 | Young Adults
Whether you are new to the area or in your first job, come connect, build relationships and learn more about Christ together each Tuesday night in the Multipurpose room . During the night you will hear from a leader on a study and then breakout into smaller groups to discuss. Please reach out to Michael Mailum 843-324-4483.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type College/20s
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
College/20's | Co-Ed | A Study of Mark | Karrin Baum
Group established for young adults to have a healthy community and culture centered on Jesus. Focus of deepening our relationships with Jesus and living out His ways in our every day lives. We meet every other Wednesday.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type College/20s
Sundays • 2:00 pm
College/20s | College/20s Group
This is a group for anyone that is between the ages of 18-29. Whether you are in college, post college, or just fall in the age range, feel free to join us as we grow in our relationships with God and one another!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type College/20s
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
College/20s | Kindred | Jennifer
This is a college/20s women’s small group. We will be gathering weekly, we will blend scripture study with arts and crafts to craft deep connections. With art supplies in hand and faith in our hearts, we will weave a tapestry of friendship, creativity, and spiritual growth.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type College/20s
Thursdays • 6:30 pm
College/20s | The World Around Us | Bethany Harrison and Kemi Ola
This is a college/20s women’s small group. We will use the word of God to discuss controversial topics that are difficult to tackle in your daily life. In this group, each topic will begin with understanding the heart of God and His love for all people. This small group will focus on grasping how to love others and implementing God’s will for us in our daily lives.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type College/20s
Sundays • 6:00 pm
College/20's | Wisteria | Krystal Flowers
This group is for young adults who are out of high school and are looking to take that next step in life. Between the time we leave high school until the time we get married and start a family, there are so many options to navigate. We all want to make a difference in this world while at the same time figure out our own little world. It makes life easier to come together and talk things out with others who are in the same boat and rowing in the same direction.
We will start our journey together by taking a deep look at Jesus through the book of John. We will discover who Christ is and how His teachings apply to our lives today.
This young adults group meets every other Sunday at 6:00-8:30pm in the Wisteria neighborhood (Cane Bay near the church). We meet throughout the year, so feel free to visit anytime. We are always happy to see new faces and our study/discussion is such that you can jump in anytime.
No childcare available.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type College/20s
Sundays • 4:30 pm
College/20s | Young Women 18-25 Bible Study | Rachael
This is a group for women18-25 years. Come help me build a community that lives a life in love with the word of God. To encourage and build each other up. Reading the word of God and drawling closer to Him. Helping and encouraging one another, while showing the love of Christ to the people around us.
Please Contact the leader for Location of meeting.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type College/20s
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Divorce Care: Surviving the Holidays
This special two-hour event is for people facing the holidays after a separation or divorce. It features practical suggestions, guidance, and encouragement through video interviews with counselors, experts in divorce-related care, and people who have experienced this difficult season of transition. Some of the topics discussed include: why the holidays are tough, emotions to expect, and how to plan and prepare.
Please feel free to share this information with someone who might benefit from attending this special, two-hour event. There is a $5 registration fee that covers the cost of materials.
Light refreshments will be served.
***Childcare is provided at no cost
Please feel free to share this information with someone who might benefit from attending this special, two-hour event. There is a $5 registration fee that covers the cost of materials.
Light refreshments will be served.
***Childcare is provided at no cost
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Support
Elementary School | Kidscoast Groups
The Kidscoast Children's Ministry of Seacoast Church meet for Services and Small Group discussion on Sunday Mornings at 9:00 & 10:30am. For more information, please contact our Children's Ministry Director, Karen Bailey.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Sundays • 10:00 am
Elementary School | Kidscoast Groups
The Kidscoast Children's Ministry of Seacoast Church meet for Services and Small Group discussion on Sunday Mornings at 10:00am. For more information, please contact Stephen Hunt at stephenhunt@seacoast.org
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Thursdays • 11:00 am
Food Pantry/Boutique
Our Food Pantry group meets weekly on Thursday's to stock our pantry and also meet the needs of those in our community who need food. We sometimes have folks come in to get food and in some cases deliver to places where help is desperately needed. Come be part of being the hands and feet of Jesus to our local community!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Mondays • 7:00 pm
Freedom Course & Retreat
Join us for this 10-week Small Group journey designed to equip you to live the victorious and abundant life Christ came to give you. Freedom Groups build on the foundation of your faith in Christ to help you embrace the truth of God’s Word as it relates to your struggles, your past, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God and walk in true freedom.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Growth Track | Freedom Course | CNB | Spring 2025
Freedom Course is a 10-week journey designed to equip you to live a victorious and abundant life Christ came to give you. Freedom Groups build on the foundation of your faith in Christ to help you embrace the truth of God's Word as it relates to your struggles, your past, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God.
The course ends with a 2-day Freedom Retreat (April 11 & 12th) at the Mount Pleasant Campus. The Retreat is $30 and covers materials and lunch. Please register Here for the 10-week course and for the 2-day retreat.
The course ends with a 2-day Freedom Retreat (April 11 & 12th) at the Mount Pleasant Campus. The Retreat is $30 and covers materials and lunch. Please register Here for the 10-week course and for the 2-day retreat.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Growth Track
Mondays • 6:00 pm
Growth Track | Freedom Group and Retreat | Teddy Winter & Becky Fuller
Freedom Course is a 10-week journey designed to equip you to live a victorious life Christ came to give you. It builds on the foundation of your faith in Christ to help embrace the truth of God's Word as it relates to your struggles, your past, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom. It will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type
Thursdays • 6:30 pm
Growth Track | Mixed Ages | Freedom Course
Thursdays • 6:30 pm
Growth Track | Rooted | Deb Hollowell
A 10 week small group experience that connects people to God, the church and their purpose.
Rooted isn’t simply a bible study or a book. It is a small-group experience, where people practice 7 rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus. Individuals establish firm roots in the Truth of God’s Word through personal study and then come together to discuss what they’re learning in a space where they are safe and known. If you have questions, please contact Deb for more information or to register for the group click Here .
Rooted isn’t simply a bible study or a book. It is a small-group experience, where people practice 7 rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus. Individuals establish firm roots in the Truth of God’s Word through personal study and then come together to discuss what they’re learning in a space where they are safe and known. If you have questions, please contact Deb for more information or to register for the group click Here .
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Growth Track
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Growth Track | Rooted Course Launch | Cane Bay
Rooted isn’t simply a Bible study or a book. It's a community experience, where people practice 7 rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus. Individuals establish firm roots in the Truth of God’s Word through personal study and then come together to discuss what they’re learning in a space where they are safe and known. We will end the semester with a Celebration night.
Please register Here
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Growth Track
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Growth Track | Small Group Launch Rooted Course
Rooted isn’t simply a Bible study or a book. It's a community experience, where people practice 7 rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus. Individuals establish firm roots in the Truth of God’s Word through personal study and then come together to discuss what they’re learning in a space where they are safe and known. We will end the semester with a Celebration night.
Registration and Rooted books are available to purchase here: Here for the 10-week course
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Growth Track
Holy City Run Club
Weekly Runs! Reach out to leaders for location info or check out our instagram @holycityrunclub!
Katherine Keating: 248-283-9396
Zach Radcliffe: 443-655-3982
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Married | Tobias and Jennifer Glaser
Join our friendly group of families with young children! Our kids range in age from 2 to 8 years old, making it a perfect environment for playdates and shared experiences. We look forward to welcoming you and your little ones!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Virtual Thursdays • 6:00 pm
Married | "Family Teams" Book Study: Gawrilow Small Group
Join us for a walk through the study "Family Teams" by Jeff and Alyssa Bethke. Through this study we seek to recapture God's model of the family as the basis for society, and the importance of families working as a team to achieve shared goals and dreams. Starting March 4, 2021 we will meet every other week on Thursday evenings at 6pm. Reach out if you're interested and we'll provide meeting details!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Thursdays • 7:00 pm
Married | 20-30s | Mount Pleasant
Married couples' small group of 20-30 yr olds. We enjoy a meal together and socialize around 7p at the start and then discuss our topic for the evening starting at 8p. We usually choose a study from Right Now Media.
Reach out! We'd love to meet you and welcome you to the group! Contact Siena.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Mondays • 7:00 pm
Married | 20-30s | West Ashley
We are focused on studying scripture, marriage-related materials and fellowship! We desire growth in Christ, Our Marriages and Friendships!
We meet at our home in West Ashley!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Virtual Mondays • 7:00 pm
Married | 20-30s| Mount Pleasant
Late 20s & early 30s married couples small group. Currently going through the Old Testament. Meeting time is Mondays at 7pm virtual with the goal to have one in person session per month
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Virtual Thursdays • 8:30 pm
Married | 20-40s | The Bellamy's Virtual Group
We are Seacoasters living in St Augustine, FL, looking to connect with more Seacoast Couples from anywhere! Join us Thursday evenings at 8:30pm Eastern / 5:30pm Pacific! We will go over the small group questions from the previous weekend's message, talk about life, careers, and parenting, and who knows!? Contact us for the meeting instructions!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
Married | 20s/30s | Ditto Small Group
We are looking to host married couples in their 20’s and 30’s! We want to connect with and grow with people in a similar stage of life and to grow community on the Islands. Even though we meet on Wednesdays - we’d adjust to accommodate First Wednesday service for anyone interested in attending in-person or streaming it! (Childcare not currently offered.) Group meets on Johns Island.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Married | 20s/30s | Roxon Small Group
We are a group seeking to serve families with young children, specifically preschool age and under. We want to connect young families with each other, Jesus, and combat the isolation often found in this season of life. The overall atmosphere will be flexible and welcoming to young children. Group meets on Johns Island. (Meeting day and time TBD)
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Sundays • 4:00 pm
Married | 30s | Mount Pleasant
For the fall of 2024 we will be focusing on the Rooted program as our study.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
Married | 30s and 40s | North Mount Pleasant
We will begin this Fall studying "The Meaning of Marriage" and then we will do the Rooted study in the Spring.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Sundays • 4:00 pm
Married | 40-50s | Mount Pleasant North
Our group invites married couples and their children to Sunday evening potluck dinners in Park West. We will go over the message notes, fellowship and pray together. We are going to secure childcare as well!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Sundays • 6:00 pm
Married | 40s/50s | Fowler Small Group
This small group is for married couples who are in their 40s and 50s. Group meets on Johns Island.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Sundays • 6:00 pm
Married | 50+ | Next Chapter Navigators
This small group is for couples age 50+ to provide a safe, welcoming space where they can:
• Share experiences and advice about managing adult children, grandchildren, and family dynamics.
• Navigate challenges related to retirement, career changes, or finding purpose in the next phase of life.
• Build meaningful friendships and connections with like-minded individuals.
• Explore personal growth and healthy self-care spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Group meets on Johns Island.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Thursdays • 6:00 pm
Married | 50-60s | Daniel Island
Married couples on Daniel Island meeting in various homes. Various topics. Contact Bill McCracken or Tom Van Camp: trvancamp@gmail.com for more info
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Tuesdays • 6:00 pm
Married | 50-60s | Hanahan Ladson Summerville
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Married | 50-60's | James and Johns Islands
We are vintage reinvented! Group of 50-60s on the islands!
New session begins on Johns Island September 2024!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Married | 50s | Summerville/ North Charleston
Married Small Group: Summerville/N Chs area off of Dorchester road
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Virtual Thursdays • 7:30 pm
Married | 50s-60s | Mount Pleasant
50-60s Married Couples with teens or empty nesters meeting in various locations in central Mount Pleasant. Zoom ok for travel and health concerns.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
Married | 60+ | Mount Pleasant
We are just beginning our group and will determine what study we are doing shortly.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Thursdays • 7:00 pm
Married | 60s+ | Driver Small Group
Small group for Married Couples. Group meets on Johns Island.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Married | All Ages | Summerville, Goose Creek
For the fall of 2024 we will be focusing on the Rooted program as our study.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
Married | Bible Study
Every 2nd and 4th Week on Wednesdays
Deepen and expand your understanding of specific books in the bible. Your group leader uses bible reading, videos and discussion to strengthen your faith and to know God's word better!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Married | Bible Study - Morton
This group meets for Bible study and fellowship on Sunday evening, every other week. In depth Bible study around current topics.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Married | Blended Families | North - Rivertowne | Mount Pleasant Campus
This is a group for Blended families that will meet on Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm we are launching Feb. 11th. Join us!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Tuesdays • 7:00 pm
Married | Couples Group: Kirby
Eastside area. Married with kids group; study varies each semester.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Sundays • 4:00 pm
Married | Couples with Young Kids | Deason Group
Married Small group with childcare provided. Will cover various topics using Right Now Media.
We meet in the modular at the church - 212 Roper Mtn. Road Extension. Adults meet in one classroom and kids use the other.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Fridays • 5:00 pm
Married | Couples With Young Kids: Knott
Rotates homes.Married group, young kids, rotate homes, childcare available.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Wednesdays • 6:00 pm
Married | Cox Small Group
Bible/Topical study. Open to young marrieds 25-35. Group will meet the 2nd and 4th Wed at Seacoast Conway campus at 6:00 pm.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Sundays • 5:30 pm
Married | Empty Nesters | Nexton | Simmons
This group meets every other Sunday at 5:30-7:30pm in the Del Webb (Nexton) neighborhood. We fellowship over dinner then study God's Word.
Childcare not provided.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Sundays • 5:30 pm
Married | Empty Nesters Group: Glymph
Location varies.Leader: Danny and Suzy Glymph / Empty Nesters
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
Married | Empty Nesters Group: Tenney
Sundays • 1:00 pm
Married | General Bible Study - Boyle
Group meets every other Sunday and includes those with and without children (childcare provided). Studying a wide range of topics to enhance your knowledge of the Bible and how to get the most out of your Christian. Nick and Nicole Boyle lead this group that meets in Chapin.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Fridays • 6:30 pm
Married | General Bible Study | Chapin/Irmo - Mantooth
This married group meets in the Irmo area on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM and is centered around Bible study and fellowship.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Sundays • 7:00 pm
Married | Married and Loving It - Jackson
Whether you are just beginning your faith journey, or have been a believer for decades, this group will help establish you in the core Truths of the Christian faith, equip you to confidently articulate your faith, and empower you to live a dynamic Christian life. Consider it Christian Boot Camp.
Meeting every other Sunday Evening until December.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Co-Ed
Wednesdays • 5:30 pm
Married | Married Couples Small Group
We are a group of married couples with small children. Childcare will be provided by a paid sitter. Group rotates between Johns Island and West Ashley.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Sundays • 5:00 pm
Married | Mixed Agees | Shaun and Christie Haggerty
We will meet at Seacoast West campus on the first and third Sundays of the month from 5 pm to 7 pm. We will have dinner together and then spend time in fellowship.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Thursdays • 6:30 pm
Married | Mixed Ages | Michael & Kelly Mailum
A small group for married couples meeting at the West Ashley Campus or at one of our homes.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Tuesdays • 6:00 pm
Married | Mixed Ages | Re|engage | Josh & Brandi Terrell
Re|engage brings couples together to learn about God’s design for marriage and apply biblical principles for building a healthy relationship.
Experience what marriage is meant to be.
God has designed marriage to be a supportive, loving, life-giving relationship that mirrors His own unconditional love for us. Re|engage will help you better understand that design and learn how to apply it to your own marriage.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Thursdays • 6:15 pm
Married | Mixed Ages/Stages | Mount Pleasant North
Married Small Group: mixed ages and stages - contact Becky Butler for more info
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Mondays • 6:30 pm
Married | New Marriage, Same Couple | Book Study
"For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health." We say those words and mean them. Until we don't. This is a book about creating a different, better, new kind of marriage with the exact same person—no matter how dire the circumstances—with vision, commitment, and hope in the Lord.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Thursdays • 6:30 pm
Married | Parent Support Group: Mixed Ages
This is a support group for Christian parents of children/grandchildren identifying as LGBTQ, questioning their identity or struggling with same sex attraction. This group will provide a supportive community to help parents love their child well, point them towards Jesus, and discover what God wants to do in their own hearts. The sessions will follow the book “Embracing The Journey” by Greg and Lynn McDonald. The group is taking a break during the summer and will resume back to meeting on September 19.
Group Leaders Jacqueline Gerety (jagerety@outlook.com)and LisaWhatley (ljwhatley7@gmail.com)
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Sundays • 5:30 pm
Married | Pittman's Small Group
This group is for married and married with children; willing to work with childcare needs. Group will meet in the modular classroom at the church location.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Married | Re-Engage Group
RE|ENGAGE is a marriage enrichment group that is committed to helping you and your spouse have a better marriage relationship. This group meets weekly for 14 weeks. Day and Location will be determined based on those signing up for the group(s).
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Mondays • 6:00 pm
Married | Summer's Corner | Rob & Kristin
Seacoast Married/Couples small group meeting in Summers Corner and we will be going through the Gospel of Mark.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Married | Varying Ages | West Ashley
Thursdays • 7:00 pm
Married | Williams Small Group
Small group for Couples. Group meets on Kiawah/Seabrook Islands.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Thursdays • 7:00 pm
Married Mixed Ages | Adam & Ashley
Mondays • 6:30 pm
Married Mixed Ages | Jack & Cindy Eustace's Group
A small group for married couples. Meets the second and fourth Monday at 6:30pm at the West Campus.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Tuesdays • 6:00 pm
Marrieds | Couples Counseling
Couples counseling is designed to help any couple experiencing relationship issues, for couples who are in the pre-marital or marital state. Sometimes only one partner wants to attend counseling and research has proven that one person making change can have a profound effect on the other.
This group will use the Gottman Method, a program developed by Judy and John Gottman, who have backgrounds in clinical psychology and research. There is a Christian Biblical Guide that drives the program. The sessions are from “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” written by the Gottmans and a workbook is included.
Couples that want to stop conflicting communication, increase respect and affection, and remove barriers to having a healthy relationship will benefit from this group.
The leader will be Nannette Williams, a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT). She has a private practice office in West Ashley, close to the west campus, where she will lead the group. Please contact Nannette at nwilliams@genuine-life-counseling.com
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Married
Thursdays • 6:00 am
Men | Breakfast Group
Leads a morning men's breakfast group at Family Restaurant..
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Thursdays • 8:00 am
Men | 1&2 Timothy| Chick-fil-A Cane Bay | Hill/Francis
This Men's group is for men of all ages. We meet on Thursdays from 8-9:15am at Chick-fil-A in Cane Bay. We are currently reading through 1&2 Timothy and discussing how it applies to our lives and how God wants us to live fully as the men He has created us to be.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Tuesdays • 6:30 pm
Men | Coastal Coffee | Scott Tucker & Jim Harrelson
Various studies and group discussions from the bible – Going deeper in God’s Word. Costal Coffee Summerville (Back Entrance) Begin at 6:30PM with Worship, then study and discussion until 8PM.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Thursdays • 7:00 pm
Men | Don Willard's Group
We are a group of men working to grow in our faith, discover our purpose, and make a difference. We lean on, and learn from, each other as we work to deepen out relationship with God. We take a shared leadership approach, where each man may lead for a week, for a study, or not at all, depending upon his comfort level. We decide on studies as a group, and they range from video series, to book studies, to Bible studies. We are open to ideas and suggestions as we work to increase our faith, knowledge, and understanding of God's calling on our lives.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Wednesdays • 6:30 pm
Men | Ephesians | The Coves | Rodney Lawless
This Men's group is for men of all ages. We study different books of the Bible and want to grow in our faith as well as learn how to lead as Jesus led. We will be studying the book of Ephesians this fall and look forward to what God has to show us.
This group kickoffs on September 11th and meets on Wednesdays at 6:30-7:30pm in the Coves neighborhood in Cane Bay. On the First Wednesday we will attend the First Wednesday service at Seacoast Cane Bay church.
Childcare not provided.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Thursdays • 1:00 pm
Men | Iron Sharpens Iron | Pastor Chris
This is a Men's Bible Study for ANY man who wants to start or continue to go deeper in their faith and reading God's Word. This group meets every Thursday at 1pm. Men need other men to help with their learning journey with God. What better place to do then to read His Word with each other and learn about God!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Saturdays • 8:00 am
Men | Monthly Breakfast
This is a group of men who gather once a month over breakfast at the church.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Mondays • 6:30 pm
Men | Sexual Integrity | Matt & Josh
This is a men's group that is designed for any man looking to become more like Christ and not fall to the temptations of this world specifc to men. We meet in the Multipurpose room at the Summerville Campus.
Registration and the study books are available to purchase here: Here for this course
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Saturdays • 10:00 am
Men | Summers Corner | Brian Knight
This group is intended for men in their 20s to 50s. It is beneficial for any man but specifically aims to support men with families who are dealing with the challenges of family life. The group will be using '33 The Series', which is accessible on Right Now Media. The format will involve casual discussions, watching a 20 to 30-minute video, and then engaging in discussions and completing workbook questions.
Is it best to purchase the training guides. They are $15 each on Authenticmanhood.com.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Thursdays • 6:30 pm
Men Mixed Ages | "Sunday on Thursday" with Dave Bradbury
A group for men meeting at the West Campus to discuss the latest message and how it applies to our life.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Wednesdays • 8:00 am
Men Mixed Ages | Dan Rosensohn
This Group is designed for men all ages of men to get together and have Christ centered conversations.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Virtual Wednesdays • 7:00 am
Men Mixed Ages | Ed Bates
A men's group meeting at the West Campus (temporarily meeting virtually).
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Tuesdays • 7:00 am
Men Mixed Ages | Jay Henderson
A small group for any men interested in connecting and growing their Faith. This group is a great follow-up (or introduction) to engaging with the life-changing Men's Hike!
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Thursdays • 9:00 am
Men 's | Men's Thursday Breakfast Group
This group meets every Thursday at 9 am for breakfast and discussion. Location: Eggs Up Grill Ballentine, 1180 Dutch Fork Rd, Irmo, SC.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Tuesdays • 7:00 pm
Men| Study| Michael O'Donovan
This group is for men of all ages in the Myrtle Beach/Conway area. No matter what stage of life you are in this small group is intended to be a place where you find true community. Contact Michael O'Donovan at michaelodonavan@seacoast.org for more information.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Wednesdays • 9:00 am
Men| Study| Wednesday Mornings
This group is for men in the Conway area that believe that want to be invigorated and mobilized for Gods glory, to know Him more intimately and be a bigger part of His plan for Conway.
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Virtual Wednesdays • 7:00 am
Men's | "Fatherhood Leadership"
Fathers Leading and Supporting Each Other
Seacoast Mount Pleasant On-Line . Led by Mark Monaghan
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's
Thursdays • 6:30 pm
Men's | "Foundations of Faith"
Study: Foundations of Faith - What we believe and why
Location/Time: Meets in leaders home in Hanahan, SC
Led by: George Cox
Campus Seacoast At Home Type Men's